Plate Peak

This dive site is located just before Punta Chiappa coming from San Fruttuoso. It features a very beautiful wall full of coral.

RED PATH (up to -40 meters)
After the pre-dive check we will descend along the chain up to about -16 meters and then start swimming towards the east where we will meet a large boulder covered with yellow gorgonians (Eunicella cavolinii). Continuing to descend in altitude, towards SOUTH-EAST up to -35 meters we will find on our road other boulders full of life, under which the dens of conger eels, moray eels and even catshark could be found. We will ascend following the rocky bottom in a north-west direction up to the wall we will visit, keeping it on our right at the depth of
-20 meters where the large Brown Groupers will approach up to a few meters away. With our torch we will illuminate every crevice and ravine where lobsters, moray eels, and musdee have their home. The wall is decorated with many branches of red coral (Corallium rubrum) and Sea daisies (Parazoanthus axinellae).
Turning our gaze to the open sea from time to time we will be able to admire the snappers in hunting and the barracudas in the school approaching us and then disappearing again into the blue.
Arrived at the end of the face we will begin to go back keeping it to our right and getting up again at an altitude of up to -10 meters. Once we arrive near the chain, based on our air supply, we will be able to decide whether to go up after the 3 mn stop at -5 m or continue to follow the course of the promontory towards the Punta Chiappa bay at -5/6 m a few more minutes before returning to the boat.

GREEN PATH (up to -18mt)
After the pre-dive check we will descend along the chain up to about -16 meters and then start swimming towards the east where we will meet a large boulder covered with yellow gorgonians (Eunicella cavolinii). At this depth we will see several Brown Groupers enter and leave their burrows, among the rocks, from which even the youngest ones that have an intense green and yellow color will peep out, showing a more sociable attitude than an adult subject. From here we will reach the wall on our left at the maximum altitude of
-18 mt. With our torch we will illuminate every crevice and ravine where lobsters, moray eels, and musdee have their home. The wall is decorated with many branches of red coral (Corallium rubrum) and Sea daisies (Parazoanthus axinellae).
Turning our gaze to the open sea from time to time we will be able to admire the snappers in hunting and the barracudas in the school approaching us and then disappearing again into the blue.
Arrived at the end of the face we will begin to go back keeping it to our right and getting up again at an altitude of up to -10 meters. Once we arrive near the chain, based on our air supply, we will be able to decide whether to go up after the 3 mn stop at -5 m or continue to follow the course of the promontory towards the Punta Chiappa bay at -5/6 m a few more minutes before returning to the boat.

Cecilia Luconi

Underwater landscape wall
Average depth 21 mt
Visibility Good 
Current No
Marine Environment Yellow gorgonian, corals, sponges, madrepores
Marine Life  Snappers, groupers, white breams, bream, moray eels, octopuses